Team :: Campaign Director
Ashleigh Deemer
Campaign Director
Ashleigh Deemer is the Campaign Director for CeaseFirePA, leading our organizing team and building powerful campaigns to push for life-saving action to end gun violence.
Prior to joining CeaseFirePA, Ashleigh spent nearly 20 years advocating for safe and healthy communities in Pennsylvania. Most recently, she served as the Deputy Director of PennEnvironment where she worked to protect the commonwealth’s air, water, and climate from toxic pollution. She also served as a Chief of Staff in Pittsburgh City Council, where she crafted important policies to provide paid family leave to city employees and make government data more transparent and available to the public.
As a mom, Ashleigh worries every day about the threat of gun violence, and she knows she’s not alone. As an organizer and an advocate, she’s committed to winning policy solutions that will enable families across Pennsylvania to rest a little easier. Ashleigh lives in the Pittsburgh region with her son and the best dog, Libby. In her free time, she loves to garden, travel, and go to concerts with friends.