CeaseFirePA is saddened by the news of today’s mass shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand where 49 Muslim New Zealanders were killed during Friday prayers at two different mosques, the Linwood Islamic Center and Al Noor mosque. In addition to the 49 deaths, 48 people...
Adam Garber
Keystone Courage Award 2019
CeaseFirePA is proud to announce Fred Guttenberg as the recipient of our 2019 Keystone Courage Award. Mr. Guttenberg's daughter Jaime, was killed in the Parkland shooting on February 14, 2018. Mr. Guttenberg has become a vocal advocate for tougher gun laws,...
HR 8 Passed Out of the House of Representatives!
Today the U.S. House passed HR 8, the bill to establish comprehensive background checks. The vote was 240-190. 8 Republicans, including one from PA, voted yes. Only two democrats voted no. Here is how the Pennsylvania delegation voted: Brian Fitzpatrick, R --...
House of Representatives to Vote on HR8 and HR1112
For the first in years, Congress is poise to take real action to address gun violence. On Wednesday and Thursday, two bills that would strengthen our country’s background check system will be brought to the House floor: HR8 Requiring background checks for almost all...
Ask your Senator to support SB 90
The PA legislature has the chance to do something that makes sense and saves lives: enact an extreme risk protection order bill. This bill creates a civil court process family members and law enforcement can use to temporarily bar access to firearms by a family member...
Facebook Live town hall with Auditor General DePasquale
In 2018, Auditor General DePasquale released a special report highlighting 12 recommendations intended to save lives and reduce firearm violence. Because many firearm deaths are a result of suicide, the report recommends expanding access to mental health services and...
Parkland Anniversary Vigils and Events
February 14 marks the one year anniversary of the tragic mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland FL. Throughout the Commonwealth, Pennsylvanians will be gathering to remember the 17 lives that were taken that day, and the countless lives...
CeaseFirePA’s Rally in the Capital Demanding Action to Fight Gun Violence
Early in the new legislative session, CeaseFirePA brought doctors, students and survivors from across the Commonwealth to rally at the capitol. They demanded that PA legislators pass legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of those who should not have them. Many...
Congress Introduces a Universal Background Check Bill
On Tuesday, January 8th House Democrats introduced HR8, which would require universal background checks for almost all firearm sales. The bill was introduced on the 8th anniversary of the tragic Tucson shooting, which left 8 dead and 16 wounded. Among the wounded was...
Join CeaseFirePA at our Rally for Action
CeaseFirePA will be rallying in Harrisburg on January 29th from 2:00-3:00. We are Rallying to remind returning and new legislatures that we are not satisfied with the gun laws in Pennsylvania. As we gather in the Harrisburg Rotunda we will be demanding... Emergency...