Tamaqua, January 4, 2019 -- CeaseFirePA today proudly stood with Tamaqua families to announce a legal challenge to the Tamaqua Area School District's new policy to arm teachers and other school personnel. The Complaint filed yesterday in the Schuylkill County...
Adam Garber
CeaseFirePA Weighs in on Union’s Suit Challenging Plan to Arm School Personnel
Tamaqua, December 21, 2018 -- CeaseFirePA, the Education Law Center, Public Citizens for Children and Youth, and the Public Interest Law Center filed an amicus brief today in support of the Tamaqua Education Association's challenge to the Tamaqua Area School...
Want to Make It on to Our Nice List?
We wanted to give you a quick year end look at our naughty list. These are the people who did everything in their power to stand in the way of gun violence prevention and efforts to make our communities safer. They deserve way worse than a lump of coal. It's not so...
Before you vote educate yourself
The following candidates have been endorsed by CeaseFire Pennsylvania, the advocacy arm of CeaseFirePA. Endorsement decisions were based on an assessment of candidate surveys, voting records of incumbents, and the priority ascribed to the gun violence prevention...
1st of CeaseFire Pennsylvania Endorsements
CeaseFire Pennsylvania Releases First Endorsements Philadelphia, September 18, 2018 – CeaseFire Pennsylvania, the advocacy arm of CeaseFirePA, today released its first endorsements in races for the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives. Endorsement decisions...
CeaseFire Pennsylvania’s Commonsense Candidates
Each election cycle CeaseFire Pennsylvania, the advocacy arm of CeaseFirePA, aims to asses the dedication to gun violence prevention policies from all candidates across the commonwealth. We believe that voters all over PA should be able to quickly and easily see if...
Injunction on 3D guns
Judge River Lasnick issues a temporary injunction on the release of 3D guns blueprints. The link below is to NYT story about today's development. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2018/07/31/us/politics/3d-guns-trump.amp.html
Victory in Judiciary!
Today the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee voted to advance three key gun safety reform bills, bills that are designed to save lives. The Committee voted to approve House Bills 2227, 2060, and 273. Each of these bills creates a process to make sure that someone...
Die-In for Pulse Nightclub Shooting Anniversary
Today students from across the Commonwealth organized a die-in as part of a nationwide movement to remember those lost in the Pulse Nightclub Shooting two years ago in Orlando, Florida. The group met on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Students were joined...
Yet again we are horrified, angry, in mourning. The school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida was the 18th shooting on school grounds in the first 45 days of 2018. During that time, most districts had only 36 days of school. That...