Adam Garber

Proof that Silencers Bill is a cash grab

While we’ve known since forever that the gun lobby has its hands in all sorts of legislative initiatives, it’s rare that we have direct proof—and this time, it’s straight from the proverbial horse’s mouth. Since the beginning of this year, Congress has been...

The PA Senate okays guns in schools

CeaseFirePA Statement on Senate Passage of 383 Allowing Guns in Schools Philadelphia, June 29, 2017 -- CeaseFirePA is disappointed that the Pennsylvania Senate yesterday voted to approve Senate Bill 383 which would empower local school districts to allow teachers and...

A Weekend of Wearing Orange

A Weekend of Wearing Orange

Friday, June 2nd was the 3rd National Gun Violence Awareness Day.  The Day’s history can be found here.  CeaseFirePA marked the Day with a weekend of events that highlighted survivors and brought together those who are demanding better gun laws.  First, CeaseFirePA...

CeaseFirePA Disappointed US House Passes Dangerous Veterans Bill

CeaseFirePA Disappointed US House Passes Dangerous Veterans Bill

Last night the US House Republicans checked off another item on the National Rifle Association (NRA)’s legislative to-do list. By a vote of 240-175 Republicans passed HR 1181, a bill that reverses a process used for almost 20 years to keep guns away from certain...

National Suicide Prevention Week

This week is National Suicide Prevention Week, we must not forget how much of a role firearms have in suicides. Fifty–eight people die from suicide by gun every day, two-thirds of all daily gun deaths in the U.S. If the 21,334 people who died by suicide using a...

1st Annual Philadelphia Peace Games Basketball Tournament

Philadelphia native and new member of the Miami Heat, Wayne Ellington and Connor Sports will host the first annual Philadelphia Peace Games. The basketball tournament, aimed to bring at-risk youth and young adults together while emphasizing gun violence prevention and...

Outside The Bell Tower in ’66

Outside The Bell Tower in ’66

I was a graduate student at the University of Texas School of Library Science in 1966. My four year old son was at home with a baby sitter the morning of August 1st.. The library was in the building with the clock tower; I had been there working on an assignment....

Facing the truth about gun violence in PA