Adam Garber

Outside The Bell Tower in ’66

Outside The Bell Tower in ’66

I was a graduate student at the University of Texas School of Library Science in 1966. My four year old son was at home with a baby sitter the morning of August 1st.. The library was in the building with the clock tower; I had been there working on an assignment....

Water Gun Emoji to Replace Pistol

Water Gun Emoji to Replace Pistol

Yesterday Apple announced it will replace the black pistol emoji with a green friendly water gun. The announcement comes one year after New Yorkers Against Gun Violence launched the #DisarmTheiPhone campaign. The campaign’s goal was to remove the gun emoji in order to...

Got a gun. Get a lock

Today CeaseFirePA joined Council President Clarke, Councilman Jones, Sheriff Williams, DA Williams, and Mothers in Charge at Temple University Hospital to unveil the new initiative to distribute gun locks throughout the city.  Council President Clarke urged all gun...

The Vocal Majority

Special thanks to Americans for Responsible Solutions and Mothers in Charge for help us become the Vocal Majority.

CeaseFirePA at the DNC

CeaseFirePA at the DNC

Love Conquers Gun Violence  When: Monday July 25, 2016 3-5pm Where: The National Museum of American Jewish History Hosted by: The PA Safe Caucus, Everytown for Gun Safety, CeaseFire Pennsylvania, American State Legislators against gun violence.  Details; The event is...

A sad weekend

A sad weekend

This weekend saw a flurry of gun violence which solidifies our status as a half-staff nation.  Shootings in Baton Rougue and Florida saw a total of five people killed including three police officers.  And, in Fayette County PA their County Commissioner was shot in his...

National Day of Action Across the Commonwealth

National Day of Action Across the Commonwealth

Pennsylvania participated in today's National Day of Action for Gun Violence Prevention. Congressmen Brendan Boyle and Bob Brady joined us at Philadelphia's City Hall along with community stakeholders and other partners to thank the public who supported them through...

Deja Vu

Deja Vu

I almost can’t believe I’m typing this. But you won't believe what they're trying to do in Harrisburg now. In the wake of the Orlando shooting, when we should be focused on how to make PA safer, the State Senate is taking up a bill to allow the NRA and other gun...

Facing the truth about gun violence in PA