Rep. Steve Santarsiero is currently on the PA House Floor talking about his discharge amendment. Watch it here.
Adam Garber
Orlando Vigils in PA
If you would like to show your support for the victims of the Orlando shooting, here are some events taking place in Pennsylvania: Tuesday 7:30 PM Hosted by Reformed Church of the Ascension, United Church of Christ 1700 W Main St, Jeffersonville, PA 19403 Wednesday...
We need more
This week will be book-ended by the Orlando shooting -- the worst mass shooting in American history -- and the anniversary of the Charleston shooting. Both serve as symbols of the carnage that comes when guns are so easily obtained by those who should not have them....
CeaseFire Pennsylvania calls on US Senate Candidates to support commonsense
CeaseFire Pennsylvania Calls on Toomey and McGinty to Pledge to Support Commonsense Gun Policies Philadelphia, June 14, 2016 – In the wake of Sunday's horrific mass shooting in Orlando, CeaseFire Pennsylvania, a group that advocates for commonsense reforms to reduce...
Thursday film screening
This Thursday CeaseFirePA is hosting a screening of the new documentary Under the Gun. Afterwards there will be a panel discussion with gun violence survivors and state legislators. Hopefully, you will be able to make it. The details are below, and the film's link...
Senator Casey Announces Bill to Ban Those Convicted of Hate Crime from Owning a Firearm
U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) unveiled legislation that would ban individuals convicted of a hate crime from owning a gun. This legislation comes in the wake of yesterday’s mass shooting in Orlando, Florida. The Hate Crimes Prevention Act would prohibit the purchase,...
Relationship between gun manufacturers and NRA not new, but has changed over time
The relationship between firearms manufacturers and the NRA has recently become a major subject of discussion in the gun debate. But this isn’t new. What should be noted is the fact that the two entities were not always in step as they are today. After World War I,...
Let’s go out to the movies
Starting Saturday CeaseFirePA is working with some local partners to show films about gun violence and gun violence prevention. Check out the info. below to see if there is a screening near you, and click the films' titles to see their trailers. WHEN: Saturday June...
You just made PA safer.
We have AMAZING news. Today the House Judiciary Committee held over and did not consider HB 921, the bill that would have eliminated PA’s background check system. This is a huge victory and we couldn’t have done it without your calls and emails. Your voice made the...
Save our PICS!
Tomorrow the PA House Judiciary meeting will hold a critical vote on HB921. This bill would eliminate the Pennsylvania Instant Check System (PICS). Our efforts to mobilize supporters has already seen results as Representatives on the committee are reporting getting...