Early in the new legislative session, CeaseFirePA brought doctors, students and survivors from across the Commonwealth to rally at the capitol. They demanded that PA legislators pass legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of those who should not have them. Many...
Congress Introduces a Universal Background Check Bill
On Tuesday, January 8th House Democrats introduced HR8, which would require universal background checks for almost all firearm sales. The bill was introduced on the 8th anniversary of the tragic Tucson shooting, which left 8 dead and 16 wounded. Among the wounded was...
Join CeaseFirePA at our Rally for Action
CeaseFirePA will be rallying in Harrisburg on January 29th from 2:00-3:00. We are Rallying to remind returning and new legislatures that we are not satisfied with the gun laws in Pennsylvania. As we gather in the Harrisburg Rotunda we will be demanding... Emergency...
CeaseFirePA Stands with Tamaqua Families to Challenge School District Policy to Arm Teachers
Tamaqua, January 4, 2019 -- CeaseFirePA today proudly stood with Tamaqua families to announce a legal challenge to the Tamaqua Area School District's new policy to arm teachers and other school personnel. The Complaint filed yesterday in the Schuylkill County...
CeaseFirePA Weighs in on Union’s Suit Challenging Plan to Arm School Personnel
Tamaqua, December 21, 2018 -- CeaseFirePA, the Education Law Center, Public Citizens for Children and Youth, and the Public Interest Law Center filed an amicus brief today in support of the Tamaqua Education Association's challenge to the Tamaqua Area School...
Want to Make It on to Our Nice List?
We wanted to give you a quick year end look at our naughty list. These are the people who did everything in their power to stand in the way of gun violence prevention and efforts to make our communities safer. They deserve way worse than a lump of coal. It's not so...
Sandy Hook Anniversary Vigils and Events
As we remember those tragically taken from us by gun violence in Newtown, CT in 2012, Pennsylvanians will come together across the Commonwealth to commemorate victims and call for action. Here is a list of events in PA this week: #EndGunViolence in America Sponsored...
Pittsburgh Week of Action
Over the course of this week, there are a series of events in the Pittsburgh area that focus on bringing the community together regarding different aspects of gun violence. We hope that you will join us. Thursday, December 13 Hope Tree Dedication 11 AM Blue Slide Park...
Quinton Jefferson Honors CeaseFirePA with My Cleats My Cause
NFL linebacker and Pittsburgh native Quinton Jefferson has chosen to honor those he has lost to gun violence and support CeaseFirePA through the My Cleats My Cause campaign. Jefferson had a cleat designed with the initials of those he has lost to gun violence. There...
CNN: Trump Administration Plans Bump Stock Rule
CNN has reported that the Trump Administration plans to announce a final bump stock ban in the coming days.Bump stocks are devices that allow shooters to readily convert semi-automatic weapons so that they simulate the firing rates of automatic weapons. Following the...