
Big News — Time to Act!

Big News — Time to Act!

BIG NEWS FOLKS! Things are Moving Quickly in Washington, and it’s actually possible that if we make our voices heard, we may get important commonsense laws passed by the Senate. Senator Murphy's filibuster had the desired effect -- we are getting votes on key gun...

Make a Difference. Make a Call.

Make a Difference. Make a Call.

Yesterday, the nation watched into the late hours as senator after senator joined Connecticut's Chris Murphy to call upon their colleagues for universal background checks and to prevent suspected terrorists from legally acquiring guns. I'm asking everyone who reads...

Orlando Vigils in PA

If you would like to show your support for the victims of the Orlando shooting, here are some events taking place in Pennsylvania: Tuesday 7:30 PM Hosted by Reformed Church of the Ascension, United Church of Christ 1700 W Main St, Jeffersonville, PA 19403 Wednesday...

We need more

We need more

This week will be book-ended by the Orlando shooting -- the worst mass shooting in American history -- and the anniversary of the Charleston shooting. Both serve as symbols of the carnage that comes when guns are so easily obtained by those who should not have them....

Thursday film screening

Thursday film screening

This Thursday CeaseFirePA is hosting a screening of the new documentary Under the Gun.  Afterwards there will be a panel discussion with gun violence survivors and state legislators.  Hopefully, you will be able to make it.  The details are below, and the film's link...

Facing the truth about gun violence in PA