
Let’s go out to the movies

Let’s go out to the movies

Starting Saturday CeaseFirePA is working with some local partners to show films about gun violence and gun violence prevention.  Check out the info. below to see if there is a screening near you, and click the films' titles to see their trailers. WHEN: Saturday June...

You just made PA safer.

We have AMAZING news. Today the House Judiciary  Committee held over and did not consider HB 921, the bill that would have eliminated PA’s background check system. This is a huge victory and we couldn’t have done it without your calls and emails. Your voice made the...

Save our PICS!

Save our PICS!

Tomorrow the PA House Judiciary meeting will hold a critical vote on HB921.  This bill would eliminate the Pennsylvania Instant Check System (PICS).  Our efforts to mobilize supporters has already seen results as Representatives on the committee are reporting getting...

Montco. recognizes Gun Violence Awareness Day

Montco. recognizes Gun Violence Awareness Day

Yesterday, CeaseFirePA joined Montgomery County Commisioners Josh Shapiro, and Dr. Val Arkoosh, along with Rep. Dean, Dr. Daniel Schwartz, Sen. Leach, and Movita Harrell-Johnson in front of the Montgomery County Courthouse for the 2nd annual Wear Orange Day.  Some...

Some relief but still on alert

Some relief but still on alert

Earlier this week -- just after our amazing rally to expand background checks -- we got word that the gun lobby was working on a dangerous plan to completely undermine public safety by eliminating the PA Background Check System. But we didn’t panic, we made a plan. We...

This is very dangerous

This is very dangerous

On the heels of our amazing rally in support of expanding background checks in PA, the gun lobby is working on a shocking and dangerous plan to undermine public safety by eliminating the PA Background Check System. You heard that right. Instead of expanding background...

Check out our video of our May Rally in the Rotunda

Rally in the Rotunda

Yesterday hundreds of supporters rallied on the steps of the capitol’s rotunda for universal background checks. CeaseFirePA joined several other organizations including Pennsylvania United for Background Checks, Moms Demand Action, and Delco United for Sensible Gun...

Facing the truth about gun violence in PA