
Our Take on the Ad about Toomey and Gun Policy

Earlier today, the Toomey campaign released an ad praising his record on gun safety.  The ad featured Nancy Grogan, who is identified as a gun violence prevention advocate.  While the ad does not identify Ms. Grogan as such, she also serves on the board of...

Harvard proves living with a gun = higher risk of suicide

Harvard proves living with a gun = higher risk of suicide

Harvard Study Confirms Link Between Guns and Suicide A new study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that firearms are by far the most likely risk factor responsible for increased rates of suicide in gun-owning households. The study was published in this...

PA is in mourning

PA is in mourning

This has been a very difficult few days in Pennsylvania. On Tuesday night, six people were killed in Philadelphia in several separate incidents -- five by gun shot, one by knife. Last night in Wilkinsburg (near Pittsburgh), five people were killed in a mass shooting...

Our day in court

Our day in court

Today, Pennsylvania's highest court will hear arguments surrounding the already-defeated ACT 192.  This rushed, harmful legislation allowed groups from outside the Commonwealth to sue our cities and towns.  CeaseFirePA will be there and we'll be sure to let you how...

Keep up the good work CNN!

Keep up the good work CNN!

Last week we wrote to you about hos disappointed we were that CNN didn't ask any of the Republican candidates for President about guns or preventing gun violence during the most recent CNN-hosted Republican debate. CeaseFirePA, along with 23 of our partners, sent a...

PA is 6th in Black Homicides in the US

PA is 6th in Black Homicides in the US

New Study Finds Pennsylvania Ranked 6th in Black Homicides in the US   A study published by the Violence Policy Center (VPC) found that out of 50 states in 2013 studied, Pennsylvania was ranked the sixth highest state for black homicide. The study also found that...

Keep up the good work CNN!

Hey CNN!!

March 1, 2016 Dear CNN: On February 25, 2016, a few hours before the tenth debate of the Republican primary, a man in Hesston, Kansas went on a shooting spree, killing 3 and wounding 17. Twitter, Facebook and news outlets across the country were abuzz with the news of...

It’s Not Random

It’s Not Random

This weekend in America, at least 80 people were killed and 150 were wounded by gunfire — a rate of more than one fatality per hour. In Kalamazoo, MI, late Saturday night, a man went on a shooting rampage that killed 6 and injured 2. This was called a random shooting....

Facing the truth about gun violence in PA