CeaseFirePA News

Will 3D Guns be printable tomorrow? Don’t ask President Trump.

3D guns are on their way… or are they? Even President Trump—whose State Department’s controversial settlement with Defense Distributed reversed all previous State Department positions to allow anyone with access to a 3D printer and Lego-level plastic to print his/her...

Victory in Judiciary!

Today the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee voted to advance three key gun safety reform bills, bills that are designed to save lives. The Committee voted to approve House Bills 2227, 2060, and 273.  Each of these bills creates a process to make sure that someone...

Pa Senate is Voting to Put Guns in Schools — We Need to Stop Them

The PA Senate, not content to focus on finalizing a budget this week, has decided to take up the issue of allowing teachers and other nonsecurity personnel to be armed in our public schools. No one thinks this is a good idea -- not teachers, not parents, not students,...

CeaseFirePA To Send Gun Locks to Eagles Offensive Line

CeaseFirePA To Send Eagles Offensive Line Members Gun Locks Philadelphia, December 28, 2016 -- CeaseFirePA announced tonight that it is sending gun locks to the Eagles offensive line members who are receiving shotguns as gifts from quarterback Carson Wentz....

General Assembly Questionnaire Scores

General Assembly Questionnaire Scores

CeaseFire Pennsylvania, the advocacy arm of CeaseFirePA, has attempted to reach and survey all candidates running for a position in the PA General Assembly on their positions on gun violence prevention.  Each candidate was asked his/her position on 10 specific gun...

Facing the truth about gun violence in PA