CeaseFirePA is proud to announce Fred Guttenberg as the recipient of our 2019 Keystone Courage Award. Mr. Guttenberg's daughter Jaime, was killed in the Parkland shooting on February 14, 2018. Mr. Guttenberg has become a vocal advocate for tougher gun laws,...
Parkland Anniversary Vigils and Events
February 14 marks the one year anniversary of the tragic mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland FL. Throughout the Commonwealth, Pennsylvanians will be gathering to remember the 17 lives that were taken that day, and the countless lives...
Sandy Hook Anniversary Vigils and Events
As we remember those tragically taken from us by gun violence in Newtown, CT in 2012, Pennsylvanians will come together across the Commonwealth to commemorate victims and call for action. Here is a list of events in PA this week: #EndGunViolence in America Sponsored...
Pennsylvanians Come Together After Tree of Life Shooting
In times of tragedy, it's important for communities to come together to mourn and heal. Here is a list of events going on in Pennsylvania. We will be updating this page as we learn more details. Saturday 10/27 Squirrel Hill Community Ceremony and Service 6:30...
Will 3D Guns be printable tomorrow? Don’t ask President Trump.
3D guns are on their way… or are they? Even President Trump—whose State Department’s controversial settlement with Defense Distributed reversed all previous State Department positions to allow anyone with access to a 3D printer and Lego-level plastic to print his/her...
Shira Goodman talks Gun Violence in Pennsylvania March 1, 2017
Join CeasefirePA's Executive Director, Shira Goodman and special guest for a discussion regarding Gun Violence in Pennsylvania. March 1, 2017 @ Old York Road Temple - Beth Am Molish Sanctuary 971 Old York Road Abington PA
President Obama to Announce Significant Package of Executive Actions
Today, President Obama is set to announce a significant package of Executive Actions to fight gun violence. CeaseFirePA is honored to have been invited to the White House for this announcement. From what we know so far, this is an aggressive package of executive...