This years Keystone Courage Award event was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our cause. Here are some awesome pictures highlighting the good time had by all. [gallery...
General Interest
Facebook Live town hall with Auditor General DePasquale
In 2018, Auditor General DePasquale released a special report highlighting 12 recommendations intended to save lives and reduce firearm violence. Because many firearm deaths are a result of suicide, the report recommends expanding access to mental health services and...
CeaseFirePA’s Rally in the Capital Demanding Action to Fight Gun Violence
Early in the new legislative session, CeaseFirePA brought doctors, students and survivors from across the Commonwealth to rally at the capitol. They demanded that PA legislators pass legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of those who should not have them. Many...
Join CeaseFirePA at our Rally for Action
CeaseFirePA will be rallying in Harrisburg on January 29th from 2:00-3:00. We are Rallying to remind returning and new legislatures that we are not satisfied with the gun laws in Pennsylvania. As we gather in the Harrisburg Rotunda we will be demanding... Emergency...
Want to Make It on to Our Nice List?
We wanted to give you a quick year end look at our naughty list. These are the people who did everything in their power to stand in the way of gun violence prevention and efforts to make our communities safer. They deserve way worse than a lump of coal. It's not so...
Pittsburgh Week of Action
Over the course of this week, there are a series of events in the Pittsburgh area that focus on bringing the community together regarding different aspects of gun violence. We hope that you will join us. Thursday, December 13 Hope Tree Dedication 11 AM Blue Slide Park...
Governor Wolf, CeaseFirePA, and Advocates Celebrate Signing of Act 79
On Tuesday, November 14th, Governor Wolf thanked CeaseFirePA and other advocates for their work on the passage of Act 79 during a ceremonial bill signing. The new law requires an individual served with a protection from abuse order to surrender their firearms within...
We Put Gun Violence On the Ballot and It Won
Together, we put gun violence prevention front and center, and the people of Pennsylvania proved this is a voting issue. The results will have a major impact on gun violence prevention policy at the state and federal levels. Reelecting Governor Tom Wolf and Senator...
Connection and Hope
Dear Friends, Three years ago, on June 17, 2015, I joined my rabbi at a local AME congregation to offer prayers and support in the wake of the tragic mass murder at Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, South Carolina. On Monday night, I stood with leaders of the...
Before you vote educate yourself
The following candidates have been endorsed by CeaseFire Pennsylvania, the advocacy arm of CeaseFirePA. Endorsement decisions were based on an assessment of candidate surveys, voting records of incumbents, and the priority ascribed to the gun violence prevention...