General Interest



Yet again we are horrified, angry, in mourning. The school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida was the 18th shooting on school grounds in the first 45 days of 2018. During that time, most districts had only 36 days of school. That...

What congress has done since Las Vegas, Orlando

What congress has done since Las Vegas, Orlando

Yesterday, on the same day as the National Vigil for Gun Violence Victims, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass national mandatory concealed carry reciprocity- the bill which says if you can carry in any state you can carry in every state. They did this...

The PA Senate okays guns in schools

CeaseFirePA Statement on Senate Passage of 383 Allowing Guns in Schools Philadelphia, June 29, 2017 -- CeaseFirePA is disappointed that the Pennsylvania Senate yesterday voted to approve Senate Bill 383 which would empower local school districts to allow teachers and...

A Weekend of Wearing Orange

A Weekend of Wearing Orange

Friday, June 2nd was the 3rd National Gun Violence Awareness Day.  The Day’s history can be found here.  CeaseFirePA marked the Day with a weekend of events that highlighted survivors and brought together those who are demanding better gun laws.  First, CeaseFirePA...

CeaseFirePA Disappointed US House Passes Dangerous Veterans Bill

CeaseFirePA Disappointed US House Passes Dangerous Veterans Bill

Last night the US House Republicans checked off another item on the National Rifle Association (NRA)’s legislative to-do list. By a vote of 240-175 Republicans passed HR 1181, a bill that reverses a process used for almost 20 years to keep guns away from certain...

CeaseFirePA To Send Gun Locks to Eagles Offensive Line

CeaseFirePA To Send Eagles Offensive Line Members Gun Locks Philadelphia, December 28, 2016 -- CeaseFirePA announced tonight that it is sending gun locks to the Eagles offensive line members who are receiving shotguns as gifts from quarterback Carson Wentz....

Facing the truth about gun violence in PA