“It’s time for gun owners like me to start standing up for a common sense approach to gun laws in order to create a responsible gun culture.”
General Interest
We’re hiring: Digital Campaign Manager
CeaseFirePA is hiring a Digital Campaign Manager to create and implement effective digital strategies to expand our reach and motivate Pennsylvanians to advocate for strong gun safety policies. To succeed, you will need to tell simple, powerful stories that reveal how...
We’re Hiring: Development Director
CeaseFirePA is the largest state-based organization working to end a gun violence epidemic that destroys the lives of thousands of Pennsylvanians every year. We are looking for an experienced fundraiser and communicator to craft a compelling case that expands our...
REPORT: PA Ranks in Top 10 States for Black Homicide Rate
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 18, 2021 For More Information Adam Garber, CeaseFire PA Executive Director, (267) 515-1220, adam.garber@ceasefirepa.org Frances Patano, CeaseFirePA Communications Manager, frances.patano@ceasefirepa.org MEDIA RELEASE REPORT: PA Ranks in Top...
NRA’s Bankruptcy Case Dismissal Applauded by Gun Safety Advocates in Pennsylvania
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 12, 2021 For More Information Adam Garber, CeaseFire PA Executive Director, (267) 515-1220, adam.garber@ceasefirepa.org Frances Patano, CeaseFirePA Communications Manager, frances.patano@ceasefirepa.org MEDIA RELEASE NRA’s Bankruptcy Case...
CeaseFirePA and other Violence Prevention Organizations Call for $100 Million to End Bleeding in Philadelphia
For Immediate Release April 9, 2021 For More Information: Adam Garber, CeaseFire PA Executive Director, (267) 515-1220, adam@ceasefirepa.org Violence Prevention Organizations Call for $100 Million to End Bleeding in Philadelphia Upcoming budget provides historic...
CeaseFirePA Applauds Executive Actions on Gun Safety, Urges Sen. Toomey to Publicly Support
Today the White House announced a series of executive actions to curb the gun violence epidemic devastating communities in Pennsylvania, including the proliferation of deadly “ghost” guns. These easily-completed firearms can be bought without a background check,...
Op-Ed: Boulder massacre is a reminder that Pennsylvania needs policies to end gun violence
This op-ed by CeaseFirePA's Executive Director Adam Garber was originally published in The Philadelphia Inquirer. A trip to the grocery store should be mundane, a simple routine to buy food for the week or pick up a quick bite. For nine people plus the police officer...
Hundreds Virtually Lobby for Common Agenda to End Gun Violence
For Immediate Release: March 23, 2021 For More Information: Adam Garber, CeaseFire PA Executive Director, (267) 515-1220, adam@ceasefirepa.org Frances Patano, CeaseFirePA Communications Manager, frances.patano@ceasefirepa.org Video recording available upon request....
Sen. Casey, Rep. Evans, and Rep. McClinton Discuss Resources for Gun Violence Act & Investing in Community Prevention Programs
For More Information: Adam Garber, CeaseFirePA Education Fund Executive Director, (267) 515-1220, adam@ceasefirepa.org Natalie Adams, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), (202) 228-6367 Sen. Casey, Rep. Evans, and Rep. McClinton Discuss Resources for Gun Violence Act &...