Dear Friends, Three years ago, on June 17, 2015, I joined my rabbi at a local AME congregation to offer prayers and support in the wake of the tragic mass murder at Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, South Carolina. On Monday night, I stood with leaders of the...
Guns In the News
Will 3D Guns be printable tomorrow? Don’t ask President Trump.
3D guns are on their way… or are they? Even President Trump—whose State Department’s controversial settlement with Defense Distributed reversed all previous State Department positions to allow anyone with access to a 3D printer and Lego-level plastic to print his/her...
Victory in Judiciary!
Today the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee voted to advance three key gun safety reform bills, bills that are designed to save lives. The Committee voted to approve House Bills 2227, 2060, and 273. Each of these bills creates a process to make sure that someone...
Proof that Silencers Bill is a cash grab
While we’ve known since forever that the gun lobby has its hands in all sorts of legislative initiatives, it’s rare that we have direct proof—and this time, it’s straight from the proverbial horse’s mouth. Since the beginning of this year, Congress has been...
Pa Senate is Voting to Put Guns in Schools — We Need to Stop Them
The PA Senate, not content to focus on finalizing a budget this week, has decided to take up the issue of allowing teachers and other nonsecurity personnel to be armed in our public schools. No one thinks this is a good idea -- not teachers, not parents, not students,...
U.S. Senate Candidates Offer Head-to-Head Essays on How They’ll Fight Gun Violence
As part of its series on essays from the two candidates for U.S. Senate - incumbent Senator Pat Toomey and challenger Katie McGinty -- the Philadelphia Inquirer today published essays from the candidates focused on this question: "What measures would you support at...
We are a Half-Staff Nation
Our flags seem to be lowered more often than they are flying at full height. Every day, we lose 91 people to gun violence -- whether homicide, suicide, unintentional shootings, or shootings by law enforcement. We don’t lower the flag every day, but we could. And maybe...
It’s Not Random
This weekend in America, at least 80 people were killed and 150 were wounded by gunfire — a rate of more than one fatality per hour. In Kalamazoo, MI, late Saturday night, a man went on a shooting rampage that killed 6 and injured 2. This was called a random shooting....
Why Are We Asking You to Thank a Cable Company?
We know the gun lobby and the NRA will attack anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Well, their newest target is Comcast. Yep. The cable company. Here’s what happened: The NRA has a big gun show in Harrisburg once a year. They sent 2 ads for the event to Comcast....
President Obama to Announce Significant Package of Executive Actions
Today, President Obama is set to announce a significant package of Executive Actions to fight gun violence. CeaseFirePA is honored to have been invited to the White House for this announcement. From what we know so far, this is an aggressive package of executive...