Press Release

Pennsylvanians Descend on Harrisburg to Demand General Assembly “Do Something” to End Gun Violence

Pennsylvanians Descend on Harrisburg to Demand General Assembly “Do Something” to End Gun Violence

A coalition of faith, public health, education, veteran, and community organizations coordinated the event where attendees met with lawmakers to push for increased funding for community-based violence prevention programs and a Common Agenda to End Gun Violence. The coalition demanded policy action to address the epidemic of gun violence that claimed the lives of 1,752 Pennsylvanians in 2020.

Major Federal Action Ends Ghost Guns as “Weapon of Choice” for Criminals

Major Federal Action Ends Ghost Guns as “Weapon of Choice” for Criminals

A new U.S. Department of Justice rule that will be announced by President Biden regarding ghost guns. With this new rule, these kits that can be turned into fully-functioning firearms in less than an hour with simple tools, will now have to meet the same rules as other guns: serial numbers on the frame and a background check before purchase.

Hundreds Virtually Lobby for Common Agenda to End Gun Violence

For Immediate Release: March 23, 2021 For More Information: Adam Garber, CeaseFire PA Executive Director, (267) 515-1220, Frances Patano, CeaseFirePA Communications Manager, Video recording available upon request....

Facing the truth about gun violence in PA