Statement of CeaseFirePA on Today's Mass Shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue Pittsburgh, PA, October 27, 2018 --- CeaseFirePA is saddened and horrified by today's mass murder at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. So far, we know that at least eight people have...
Press Release
Victory in Judiciary!
Today the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee voted to advance three key gun safety reform bills, bills that are designed to save lives. The Committee voted to approve House Bills 2227, 2060, and 273. Each of these bills creates a process to make sure that someone...
CeaseFirePA Condemns Senate Efforts to Resurrect The “Sue Our Cities” Law
March 28, 2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For additional information, contact Shira Goodman, Executive Director CeaseFirePA Condemns Senate Efforts to Resurrect The "Sue Our Cities" Law CeaseFirePA condemns this morning's vote by the Local Government Committee of the...
CeaseFire Pennsylvania is Endorsing Katie McGinty
CeaseFire Pennsylvania believes that Pennsylvania can and should lead the way as our nation works to reduce gun violence and gun tragedies. Accordingly, we aim to support candidates who will be leaders on the issue of gun violence prevention. This year’s United...
Toomey and McGinty Respond to CeaseFire Pennsylvania Request for Support For Commonsense Gun Policies
Philadelphia, June 27, 2016 – The issue of gun violence and how we can reduce its toll has taken center stage in the national debate since the horrific mass shooting in Orlando on June 12. Last week, CeaseFire Pennsylvania, a group that advocates for commonsense...