If you would like to show your support for the victims of the Orlando shooting, here are some events taking place in Pennsylvania:
7:30 PM Hosted by Reformed Church of the Ascension, United Church of Christ 1700 W Main St, Jeffersonville, PA 19403
5:30 PM Hosted by Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware, County 201 W Front St, Media, PA 19063
6:15 PM Hosted by Heeding God’s Call and CeaseFirePA, Beginning at 6:15 at Calvary United Methodist Church at Calvary, 16 E Park Ave. At the end of the march there will press conference at 6:45 PM at Ambler Church of Brethren, 351 E. Butler, Ambler.
7 PM Hosted by Glenside United Church of Christ, 2160 Wharton Rd. Glenside
7:30 PM Hosted by Rev. Aija Simpson of the Unitarian Universalists of the Cumberland Valley, The Square High St. and Hanover St. Carlisle, PA 7013
6:30 Hosted by PFLAG-Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays- at East Stroudsburg University’s main circle, 200 Prospect St.

All of these events were found on http://www.weareorlando.org/local-events.html